Article was written by Angelin Gomez-Velez, Chief of Communications of BHS's Website Team.

On March 21st, Bulkeley High School hosted Family Fun Night, Multi Language Activity Night, which was an event from 5-7:00 pm at the South campus for a night filled with activities, refreshments, games, and many more fun options for families to spend time together. 

We’d like to thank all of our students and their families. We had over 200 students who attended and about 43 staff members who were engaged in the many activities they ran for students whether it was making pancakes for students, making slime, or even face painting and many more, as well as opportunities that were held for parents.

.FFNThis was a night many of our Bulkeley bulldogs will not forget based on the positive feedback obtained from many of our students at the end of the night and we hope to see you all again at future events, especially coming from our website team. (photo of our team below) It was a real pleasure meeting you all and wanting family photos from our team. Pictures will be sent to your parentsquare soon!